We have been given another boat - she was inspected by Pete, of Ballinger Towing and Steerage and accepted on behalf of FVA, by him.
Pete then towed NB Capricorn to Sawley, to join our growing "fleet". Her engine is sound and well serviced and her hull good, after work by a well known welder. She needs some TLC inside and out, but has potential to home a veteran in the very near future.
Currently she's being caretakered by volunteer, Graham, who spends every moment he can on her and has thoroughly tested her multifuel stove's ability to boil a kettle and bake spuds!
Founder, Andy give us a tour:
28th January 2024
This has been an amazing weekend for NB Capricorn! Having been donated all the steel we need to re roof her, it looked like we were going to have to give it up - but after an appeal via a couple of posts on Facebook, we are sorted. Thanks to you, our wonderful supporters - who have found welders, willing to give up their time and skill, to get Capricorn re roofed. Thank you - from the bottom of out hearts!
January 2025 - unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond out control, NB Capricorn was not able to have a new roof last year. She needs to come out of the water to have her hull checked, then a decision will be made regarding her roof. It is likely that we will re-roof her as the "wooden top" she has been all her life but watch this space.